Contemporary Architectural Theory and Research
16 Undergraduate Students
RAIC Center for Architecture, Athabasca University, Online
Academic Expert: Alireza Shahbazin
In this class, I assist students examine contemporary architectural theory and practice from the late 1960s to the present. I guide them in exploring various issues and values through theoretical essays and critical writings that reveal the diversity of contemporary architectural thought and practice. Students are assigned to reads chapters of books such as:
Architectural Theory, Volume II, an Anthology from 1871-2005 (2008)
An Introduction to Architectural Theory: 1968 to the Present (2011)
The Dissertation: A Guide for Architecture Students (2014)
Decoding Theoryspeak: An Illustrated Guide to Architectural Theory (2011)
I focus on developing student’s advanced research and documentation skills by having them create a Journal they use throughout the course, serving as a reference as they progress in their studies. This journal allows them to systematically document their engagement with contemporary architectural theory and their evolving thought process, and I regularly review it to provide feedback.
Final Assignments, Preliminary Research Proposal
For their final assignments, I assist students in selecting a topic that interest them and guide them through the creation of preliminary research proposal. I help them define the theoretical foundation of their research; outline their methods of inquiry; identify relevant precedents, and compile an annotated bibliography. I review their initial drafts, providing feedback to help them refine their proposals before conducting the final assessment upon submission. Explore an example of a final assignment: